digital moana
We live in a fast changing technological world. It is our students’ world and we have had to adjust to make connections on every level.
At RRS we understand this and together with our students we are all learning to navigate the digital moana. Part of that journey is using the internet to supplement traditional methods of teaching in fun and innovative ways.
E-learning is learning and teaching that is facilitated by or supported through the appropriate use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). At RRS e-Learning covers a spectrum of activities from supporting learning to blended learning (the combination of traditional and e-learning practices), to learning that is delivered entirely online.
We believe in a balanced approach to teaching and learning which includes on screen and off screen activities. Learning about and with digital technologies will contribute to developing an informed digital society.
Our focus around the Digital Technologies Curriculum is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to become digitally capable individuals. With a greater focus on students building their skills so they can be innovative creators of digital solutions, moving beyond solely being users and consumers of digital technologies.
RRS is a Netsafe and Family Zone school. Our students’ wellbeing both offline and online is paramount and part of that is providing a safe online teaching and learning environment. We apply our School Values; the Be Attitudes and Teu Le Va both offline and online.
RRS Cyber safety and User Agreements
Seesaw is a tool for promoting student voice and choice. At RRS our focus is on empowering students with agency, choice, and voice in their learning pathway and Seesaw has been a crucial tool for enacting this vision. Our teachers and students can engage with their parents about their learning through platform. You can access your child’s Seesaw via an invitation that will be sent to you via an email.
eLearning platforms
Home learning sites for 2020-2021