Enrollment Process for Robertson Road School
Enrollments of all new students follow a process, laid out in our enrollment packs.
This process means more connections can be made with the parents and caregivers of our school, and expectations can be discussed before the students commence learning in the classroom.
New Entrant Process
Enrolment meetings can be booked Monday -Friday
All new enrolments must make a time to meet with the Associate Principal and go through the paperwork. This also give time for the Senior Leadership Team to meet parents and set expectations with both the students and the parents.
No enrolment appointment will be made without all the documentation present.
Visitors Day is Tuesdays or Thursday 1st block (9:00 - 10:30).
A parent or caregiver must remain with the child.Caregivers and children can attend up to 4 visitor's days before they start as a student at Robertson Road School.
The first day of school will be the Monday following your last visit. This reduces the impact of new student arrivals on the classroom program.
Year 2 - Year 8 Process
Enrolment meetings can be booked Monday -Friday
All new enrolments must make a time to meet with the Associate Principal and go through the paperwork. This also give time for the Senior Leadership Team to meet parents and set expectations with both the students and the parents.
No enrolment appointment will be made without all the documentation present.
Year 2 and upwards can commence either after the Associate Principal enrolment meeting, or the next day.

When you enroll your child you need to bring to the office:
the completed pupil enrolment from
your child's birth certificate or passport
your child's immunisation record
It is important that all enrollment information is correct and all documentation is attached.